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How can Sports Organisations Win GenZ fans in the Attention Economy?

Photo du rédacteur: Philippe TremblayPhilippe Tremblay

Dernière mise à jour : 17 déc. 2024

Is Gen Z Losing Interest in Sports? Or Are We Just Missing the Playbook?

The recent USA Today article lays it out plain and simple: Gen Z isn’t vibing with sports the way previous generations did. Ratings are down, NFL games are seen as too long, and the idea of sitting through a college football championship is losing appeal. 

But before we throw in the towel, let’s dissect what’s really going on here - and more importantly, how tech innovations have the potential to win over this elusive generation.

Attention Economy Article Visual

What the Article Got Right

Gen Z doesn’t live in the same world their parents did. They’ve grown up surrounded by TikTok, Fortnite, and Instagram Stories - where entertainment is short, sharp, and super engaging. Long sports broadcasts? That’s a tough sell when they can watch a two-minute highlight reel instead.

The article also points out that Gen Z craves more than just watching. They want connection, participation, and personalisation. In other words, they don’t just want to be fans - they want to be part of the action.

This disconnect isn’t because Gen Z doesn’t care about sports. They just need a reason to care on their terms. And here’s where we see the opportunity.

Where the Article Falls Short:

The article outlines the challenges but leaves a massive question hanging in the air: What do we do about it? Sure, Gen Z’s attention is fragmented. Yes, traditional sports engagement methods aren’t landing. But this isn’t an unsolvable problem - it’s a call to innovate. And that’s exactly what we at GOAT strive to achieve.

GOAT’s Play in the Attention Economy:

At GOAT, we understand that Gen Z’s attention is hard-earned. It’s why we’ve built a solution that doesn’t just engage fans - it gives sports organisations the tools to keep fans engaged in a way that feels meaningful.

How? Through augmented reality gaming. AR transforms passive spectatorship into active participation. Fans don’t just watch a game; they unlock experiences, play challenges, and actually participate. This isn’t just an experiment - it’s a strategy rooted in what Gen Z craves: gamified connection.

And the best part: every interaction generates first-party data. That means teams, leagues, and federations can understand their fans better than ever, personalising their marketing campaigns without splurging resources on acquiring third-party data. The article might have raised the problem, but we’re offering the solution.

GOAT Activation being used for an Air Pickleball Challenge at Roland Garros (French Open) 2024
GOAT Activation being used for an Air Pickleball Challenge at Roland Garros (French Open) 2024

Reaching Gen Z Isn’t Just About the “What” - It’s More About the “How”

The article touched on an important point: “Personalising experiences is key to winning over young fans”. What it didn’t dive into is how that’s possible in practice. With GOAT’s platform, sports organisations can deliver targeted content, promotions, and experiences that resonate deeply with individual fans - like exclusive offers or custom rewards based on their performances and standings on the leaderboard. 

By providing tangible experiences, Gen Z fans can be converted into loyal, lifelong supporters.

The Bottom Line:

The USA Today article pinpoints the diagnosis: traditional fan engagement isn’t as effective anymore. But here’s the thing - it doesn’t have to. By supporting PSG, the French Open and Rockets Laval of Canada, GOAT is already helping sports organisations worldwide to step into the future, meeting Gen Z where they are and giving them the connection they crave.

So, our summarised take on this would be that Gen Z hasn’t stopped caring about sports - they’re just waiting for us to give them something worth caring about.

Want to know how GOAT can help you win in the attention economy? Learn more here

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